Now that I am fully retired I recently applied for CCP.
The user friendly Service Canada website told me approx. what my monthly pension would be & walked me through the on line application process.
A follow up phone call to Service Canada resulted in me talking to a very helpful lady who let me know that my application had been received & was somewhere in the process. She could tell me there were no flags on my file (good news) but couldn't tell exactly where in the process my application was.
I got a letter today (Tuesday) confirming my application was successful but telling me that my monthly deposit would be only about 2/3 of what I thought it was going to be.
Shocking news !!
It was too late in the day to call & get an explanation so this would have to sit until the next day.
Marion had watched me get into my Service Canada account & thought it may be useful to have so she decided to set up her own - a process that went fairly smoothly.
Once her account was set up we discovered that the amount of her monthly pension had gone up by exactly the same amount of money mine was missing :)
It turns out that I had requested income sharing with Marion on my application, figuring that at income tax time it may be useful. What I didn't know & what Service Canada didn't bother to tell me in their letter was that the income sharing would be done monthly.
A little more explanation on their part would have been greatly appreciated :)
1 comment:
"a little more explanation"
From the government?
Good one. ;)
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