Saturday, August 13, 2011

Locke Street

Marion & I spent a nice couple of hours yesterday afternoon wandering up & down Locke Street.

We had originally intended to have lunch at IL Fiasco's but it is closed until Aug 16th (on vacation I guess) so we wound up at the West Town Bar & Grill instead.

Enjoyed a great lunch - the red pepper soup was quite good. The soup came with Marion's lunch but I got to eat it because "soup during the summer just doesn't seem right". So I gladly shared my onion rings for a bowl of homemade soup :)
Great little shops & antique stores - we both commented that we had driven further to little tourist towns that offered less than Locke Street does.

1 comment:

chRistine said...

a friend of mine at work lived on locke street and really liked it :)