Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I was noticing last night that I have to weed my front flower bed soon.

I am wondering why in the dim past someone decided that the things that will grow anywhere under almost any circumstances without our help were bad but the ones that have to be coddled & aided at every stage of their development were good ??

Sorry, in thinking about the serious gardeners I know, I may have answered my own question :)

Anyway it occurred to me this morning how much weeds in the flower garden are like sin in our life.

No matter how many wood chips you cover the ground in - weeds will always pop through. Just like our lives - no matter how we try to cover things up sin will always work its way through.

The other thing I have noticed is that there are some weeds that grow by themselves & are easy to notice & pull up but the really bad weeds like to grow right next to the flowers so that in order to completely pull them out you may have to pull up the flower as well. Sin in our life may be like that was well - entangled in something we love so that we put off doing anything about it because doing so may damage what we love.


Patti said...

Yup, all true.

And I don't know if I count as a serious gardener - probably not - but I always wonder who decided that the hardiest plants are undesirables.

Having just lost a "weed" that I thought was a "tree" (haha) the question has resurfaced in my mind again.

chRistine said...

interesting post :)