Sunday, June 12, 2011

Long Night

Saturday evening we went to Port Colborne to watch our granddaughter Emily's dance recital.

What an ordeal !!

We expected the usual parade of wanna be dancers doing their routines - from the really cute little ones to the older ones who should have given up dancing last year :)

What we got was a 3 1/2 hour (with 2 intermissions) marathon.

It seems the head instructor (who everyone has to address as Madame - should have been a clue) has written a story (think Alice in Wonderland meets Thriller) that she decided to present as an interpretive dance extravaganza with no talking or narrator.

Problem was that since the story has yet to be published no one (at least in the audience) had a clue what was happening, who the characters were or what they were doing.

Two items of good news:
  • Emmy was in 3 scenes & danced very well
  • Our son paid for the tickets


chRistine said...

that was an awesome post :)

Patti said...

Agreed. Awesome post. I'm laughing over here.