Monday, May 30, 2011


Finished the front garden today.
Replanted the hens & chicks so they are around the edge of the garden.
Cut some hostas in half & replanted.
Planted a couple of dozen begonias.
Covered all exposed dirt with cedar chips to cut down the weeds (I hope).

Our 97 year old neighbour offered me some ferns - I went over to dig them out of his garden but Stan insisted on digging them out himself. Kind of felt bad standing there watching the old guy but he would not let me near them :)
At least he let me re-plant them all by myself.

You have to love hens & chicks !!
Three years ago Stan's daughter gave me 4 or 5 little bunches of them they just grow.
Now I have enough to go all the way around the outside of the garden :)
Stan's wife (she's only in her 70's - Stan was kind of a cradle robber I guess) tells me that I planted them way to close together & next year I will have tons more.

Anyone ever used cedar chips ??
What do I do with them in the fall ??
Rake them up ??
Mix them in with the dirt ??
Nothing ??


Patti said...

I love hens and chicks!

And I was going to ask you about YOUR cedar chips, lol. I want to get some - a lot - and I know that's gonna be pricey.

Bob said...

Our flower bed is not that big & I used 3 bags @ $6 per bag.