Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Day

Not like I missed work or anything but I feel like I had a snow day anyway:)

Two hours this morning with one of the neighbour's sons doing our driveway & two neighbourhood driveways.

Another 90 minutes this afternoon with 4 neighbours cleaning up our driveways & the road in front of our houses.

The rest of the time watching Lord of the Rings - nice day all things considered:)

I was supposed to go work tomorrow for a pot luck lunch but will not be able to make it. Marion's ankle is still really sore & she is pretty much trapped in her upstairs office with her leg elevated and iced. The Tylenol 3's really help thought :)

For those of you who don't know - Marion took a tumble at church on Sunday (going over the edge of a little ramp heading into the front foyer) resulting in a badly sprained ankle. We feel lucky though two nurses who treated her at church really thought it could be broken.

So I have been on call since Sunday fetching drinks, food & ice when required. We have remote door bell thing so that when Marion wants something she can ring the door bell upstairs then I can check messenger on my computer to see what she requires.

I think I've lost 10 lbs running up & downstairs this week :)


Patti said...

oh no! hope Marion's ankle is better soon!

chRistine said...

perhaps you guys need to downsize?

glad mom is doing better, but sorry you have to miss your potluck.