Monday, December 19, 2011

Progressive Dinner

Last Friday we attended our first progressive dinner - we really enjoyed ourselves.

There were about 20 of us & we stopped at five different houses. We started with soup, then a stop for appetizers, then one for salads, then a stop for ham & perogies, winding up with coffee & desserts.

Neat part was that over half the group were new to Community and two of the host families are new as well.

At the salad stop we couldn't find a parking spot close so dropped the girls off & went around the corner to park the car. When I got back to the house I was welcomed in by the hostess. I didn't recognize her but knew that some new folk were hosting so I introduced myself & went in. I was surprised that some much of the food laid out on the table was gone & thought everyone must have gone through like a plague of locus.

A greater surprise was when the hostess wanted to know if I wanted red or white wine. I was thinking about this while I walked into the family room to join the group.

Imagine my shock when I realized I didn't know a soul in the room - it seemed I had walked into the wrong party.

I quickly backtracked & profusely apologized to the hostess (who was very gracious & even invited me back if I couldn't find my own party) and beat a hasty retreat.

I think it will be quite awhile before I live this one down.


Patti said...



And thank you for THAT laugh.

Patti said...

I just read this to Jeff - he's at a truck stop. He's howling laughing too. Good one!

Bob said...

glad I could brighten up Jeff's trip.