Thursday, December 8, 2011


Feeling old this week.

Service Canada sent me an application for old age pension !!

They let you apply 11 months before your 65th birthday.

Maybe some folk are excited about the prospect of turning 65 but I'm not one of them.

Nothing really happens as far as I'm concerned - my pension from work drops by the amount of my old age pension so I'm no better off financially -  just another year older.


chRistine said...

65 in eleven months.. wow.. you don't seem "that old"... I still think of you as "in your 40s" until I remember that I am now in my 40s..

this probably isn't helping. let me start again:

you're so young in spirit that i don't think anyone thinks of you as old, least of all me. and i don't know if it's a symptom of me aging, but 65 doesn't seem old to me anymore..

Bob said...

I think :)