Saturday, November 12, 2011

Formal Wear

We are off to a wedding reception at 5 & we have just discovered that I don't have any suits that fit anymore.

Many moons ago I used to go to churches where you had to wear suits & I always had a variety to wear - not any more :)

The last time I wore a suit to church was when we went to the last service the Baptists had at King St Baptist before Crossfire purchased the building.

My grey suit is huge - if the pants came up any higher I wouldn't need a shirt :)

My black jacket & grey pants still fit but Marion says I can only wear them together if I am going to the Legion.

So I'm off in a shirt & tie paired with a nice pair of pants - no jacket.

I hope no one dies until I have a chance to freshen up my wardrobe.


chRistine said...

Hope the reception was nice.. did you skip the service?

Bob said...

We did skip the service & the reception was the fanciest I have ever been to.
Seven course meal
each table had its own waiter - with white gloves, no less
wine was poured for us when we wanted more
they even had waiters wandering from table to table taking drink orders