Wednesday, September 21, 2011


This morning I am wondering where the little girl in the "I love my grandpa" picture frame on my desk went.
Yesterday was her 18th birthday so last night we picked her up from Niagara College & took her out for dinner.
Although we have shared many of her birthdays with her this was the first time with just her - no family thing just the three of us.
It seemed strange listening to this adult talk about college & her life - I kept picturing her in those little Oskosh outfits Marion used to buy,

She has grown up well it seems - Good Job Chris & Bob !!- but way too quickly :)


Patti said...

Very nice post. And how lovely for her to spend her birthday with her grandparents - just her and you two.

chRistine said...

Ha - there are days that I picture her in a jean dress and gigantic ray bans, too!

I have that picture you and mom took of the kids on my desk: they are about 5 and 3. Hard to believe those two little people are now 18 and 16.