Monday, May 2, 2011

Its May

After breakfast this morning I poured my 2nd coffee & headed for the family room.
In truth its really my room as it houses my big screen tv, my computer, my couch, my chair and my books.

Marion has her chair & her wii but comes down only to use the wii (about 30 minutes a day) and watch the Young & the Restless from 4:30 to 5:30.
The rest of the time the room belongs to me & the dog :)

However, today, as I walked downstairs I realized that I really wanted to go outside :)

Its time for the weather to warm up so I can read & have my coffee on the front porch or the patio.

Funny how the turning of a calendar page can trigger a response.
Its May !!
I want to be outside !!

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