Just returned from a resume workshop - wow does my resume SUCK!!
The one I am using I wrote for work to show my experience & progression through the company to justify the position I already had to the HR folk - who were kind of wondering how I wound up there :)
Its been many many years since I wrote a resume to actually send out to prospective employers.
There are functional & chronological versions with all kinds of variations on each theme - not just a list of jobs any longer :)
This morning I found out I should "tailor-make" my resume to match the specific job I am applying for, making sure to include whichever "buzz words" the ad included because apparently HR folk now scan all the resumes received and put them through a program that searches out certain words and phrases and relegates any that don't contain enough of them to the waste basket.
I have an appointment with my "career development specialist" on Thursday to write a new improved version of my resume.
I miss the 60's when we went to 3 or 4 places then picked the job we liked the best :)
I use a functional resume - after a resume clinic about ten years ago, when I realized that a chronological resume made me look like I couldn't hold a job or had adult ADD, I switched.
As for the "programs", not all corporations use them.. I'm pretty sure we do not. Although I think it's a fairly safe idea to read their list of qualifications and write your cover letter to the specific job.
My question is, "would i want to work somewhere that analyses their resumes based on buzz words and computer programs? Chances are that place won't promote a culture I'm looking for!
Do you have an "employee assistance plan" through your benefits? We have one, and one of the things they provide is career and resume counseling (for free!).
I don't think my retirement benefits package includes career & resume conseling - I'm pretty sure that at this point they consider my career over :)
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