Thursday, March 10, 2011


Marion & I felt like real VIP's this afternoon.
We went to see the latest Adam Sandler flic "Just Go With It" in Ancaster & were the only ones in the whole theater !!
That's right - we had our own private screening of the movie.
Very cool.

We enjoyed the movie. I know it got bad reviews but it is an Adam Sandler movie after all & delivered pretty much what you'd expect.
If you want sparkling wit & dialogue go rent an old Spencer Tracy & Kathryn Hepburn movie :)


chRistine said...

*laugh* no one ever described jennifer aniston or adam sandler as possessing "sparkling wit". i actually laughed. out loud.

Patti said...

All by yourself, huh? Were you making out in the back row? LOL

Bob said...

didn't have to go to the back row
we could make out where ever we wanted to :)