Thursday, January 13, 2011

Christian Etiquitte

Is it proper to give the driver of the car behind you a "one finger salute" while listening to a christian CD??

To give you some context:
This morning I was sitting at a red light, when the light changed I had to wait for a group of teenagers to cross the road before turning left. Suddenly I heard a beep-beep from the van behind me!!
I did nothing - merely sat waiting for the kids to clear the intersection.
At the second beep-beep, however, I did raise my hand in the classic one finger salute:)

Does Christian etiquette require me to change the music to a secular CD or radio station before offering the salute ??

I know the more spiritual among you will say that instead to the salute I should have prayed for the individual in the van but in my defence I tried that for awhile when I drove the QEW between Hamilton & Mississauga on a daily basis - it was probably the closest I will come to Paul's command that we are to pray unceasingly :)

1 comment:

Patti said...

OK, the opening question made me actually laugh out loud :)

I think the PROPER etiquette would be to use the "I'm not perfect, just forgiven" bumper sticker, as you offer the one-finger salute while listening to worship music. Because THAT'S not annoying at ALL.