Saturday, November 13, 2010

Surprise !!!

I was called into my supervisor's office yesterday & informed that, as of the end of the year, my services as a contractor would no longer be required.

A bit of a surprise after almost 5 years of continuous employment & since the day before the same supervisor & I had spent over an hour talking about his new area of responsiblity & my involvement in it.

But he has been in Brazil for the last month & went from our meeting into a meeting with his boss (and her boss) where he was informed he had to let his two double dippers (retirees back to work on contract) go.
He is not a happy camper :)

There may some future work but it will be directly project related or for a set period of time - not open ended full time like the last 5 years.

We'll see.

I can remember when I got this job - I knew it was directly from God & that no man would ever be able to take it from me. I always felt I would walk away at a time of my choosing.

Until now I have been right - I have worked through lay offs of full time staff & a take over by a company from Brazil.

But I do realize I was wrong on one point - I would walk away from this job at a time of God's choosing - not mine.

Despite losing a large percentage of our income & the fact that we have always been more grasshopper than ant when it comes to finances - I feel a peace that it is God directing this - not a nameless, faceless person in Brazil.

I have a feeling 2011 is going to be an interesting year :)


chRistine said...

Missions trip?

Anonymous said...

Wow Bob, that's a zinger.

Congrats on your perspective tho' - God always has a plan.

And Marion has a hearing aid! And it works for her! Yaa-ay!

Lynda P