Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year

I started using some of my Christmas presents this morning !!

Filled out some dates for January in my monthly planner.
Maybe I'll start to carry it everywhere so if someone wants to get together I can check my calendar first :)
Sounds kind of old school though - maybe since its 2012 I should upgrade my phone so I can get "an app" for that.

Worked on the first two puzzles in my mensa puzzle calendar - for the record Jan 2nd was easy but Jan 1st involved some trickery I would have thought mensa people to be above :)

Last night we had friends over for a turkey dinner - looking forward to leftovers today!!
One problem with going to one of the kid's houses for Christmas is that you have no leftovers.


chRistine said...

indeed! i kinda wish I had cooked a turkey. we talked about it, but that's all we did about it.

Bob said...

We bought 3 turkeys this year in the States.
One we donated to Jim & Tammy for Christmas, one we cooked yesterday (& he is turning into soup as we speak)and the third waits in the freezer for his turn in the oven.